Research & Analytics Services

Website SEO Analysis

Website ( Speed ) Analysis

Competitors Analysis

Google Penalty Analysis

Website's Backlinks Analysis

Advanced Google Analytics Reporting

Your Analytical Consultant

At Click Yog, we create profound link between online research and advanced analytics. This is how we offer our turn-key services, which make things easier. With turn-key service, you receive a whole lot of analytical reports and list of recommendations for your marketing strategy. This even backed by tried and tested digital marketing analysis services which include:

  • • Review of your business goals
  • • Complete analysis of your offline and online competitors
  • • Research your target persona and audience
  • • Strategy recommendations

How do we do it??

Our experienced team will do an intensive competitive analysis of a website from an SEO perspective. We do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities) analysis and take the desired steps as quickly as possible. We identify the weaker areas of your website, identify the gaps, close them timely and convert them into your business’ strengths. As a leading SEO company, we have proven expertise and resources to deliver the following results:

  • Check icon checkmark checkbox yesAttracting new traffic to the website
  • Check icon checkmark checkbox yesImproving website rankings in the major search engines organically
  • Check icon checkmark checkbox yesConverting suspects into prospects
  • Check icon checkmark checkbox yesGenerating quality leads
  • Check icon checkmark checkbox yesOutranking business competitors by growing online presence of your business

With years of industry experience, we have honed the skill in developing a marketing strategy that fits your branding. The truth is, as your business grows, we grow with you. From the early stage, the methods we apply and the process we undertake are customized keeping in mind the nature of your business and your business strategy.

Reasons to Choose Us

  • 1. The experienced team performs the website analysis and formulates the strategy.
  • 2. Assurance of improving client satisfaction ratio and organic search rankings of your website.
  • 3. Increase in targeted customer base.
  • 4. Transparent communication with clients at each point.
  • 5. Our services are affordable and customizable.
Let us know how we may help you improve your business and we'll be happy to connect with you!

Connect with Us!

Use the form below to contact us. We look forward to learning more about you,
your organization, and how we can help you achieve
even greater success.